I'm looking for the origins of "welt". As many as I can find. Interested in specifically with any that relate to "time" and "man".
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In case "welt" is of Germanic origin a connection with either "Welle" (wave) or rather "Wall" (ridge, bulwark etc. - thus engl. wall) seems more likely (both of which have forms with a "t" in certain...
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Thanks Jim.Evidently Aldi, Dr T and LH all seem to think there is some sort of connection to the original post and German, but since none of them care to explain this connection to us, I guess we will...
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Count me amongst the posters who would have made the assumption that the original poster was referring to the German word.The reason I'd do so - and I'd imagine this would hold true for the others -...
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kurwamac is exactly right, as far as I'm concerned. And since it's not at all clear 1) which "welt" the poster wanted to know about and 2) exactly what knowledge was wanted, I didn't see the point in...
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I wonder if the OP was written by a certain Geek, who, under an assumed identity, came on to stir up the waters. It sure is suspicious that he hasn't been back to explain what he really wanted.
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It doesn't really sound like him. It sounds like a student trying to finish a school assignment.
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I thought that what Daffy had to say about being helpful was so precisely correct that you should consider making it a permanent part of the opening.
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Welt (German) World Welt is a contraction of the Old High German words, "Wer" and "alt," where "Wer" meant "Man" (From the Latin "Vir" for "Man"--think "virile") and "Alt," which in Old High German,...
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Welt is a contraction of the Old High German words, "Wer" and "alt," where "Wer" meant "Man" (From the Latin "Vir" for "Man"--think "virile") and "Alt," which in Old High German, meant "time" but now...
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didn't say it didn't. It was a parlour game and I, at least, was an unwitting guest.
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Right. The point was never that newbies should be batted down for posing obscure or recherch questions (although some argued as if it were), merely that asking an OP for clarification saves much time...
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Anyone who wastes time has no one to blame for it but themselves. My point all along was that if you don't like a question, ignore it. If you choose to offer some information in the hope that it is...
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Check Albrecht's Tom Wolf quote in the "Change in speech" string:"And the whole honk world sinks, wonking, into a vast gummy Welt-smeared nostalgia of the mud."
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Or, alternativelySo this is the way the welt endsNot with a bang but a whimperNB not a reflection on any particular post, I hasten to add!
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